1.9" Radiating Green Acicular MALACHITE Crystals with Azurite Milpillas for sale

  • $17.50$50.00
  • Mineral: Azurite
  • Product Code: EB0919AZMIL5
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 1.9 radiating green acicular malachite crystals with azurite milpillas for sale, eb0919azmil5, azurite, malachite

Here is a specimen of radiating acicular malachite that came out of the Milpillas Mine in 2008. This specimen features primary crystals of malachite and are not pseudomorphs. The malachite is crystallized in radiating needle-like crystals, in a thick band that runs through a matrix of azurite and a whitish ivory host rock. This specimen came out of the Milpillas Mine in 2008, before the area that yielded these beauties was mined out.

Location Milpillas Mine, near Milpillas, Cananea District, Sonora, Mexico
Size 1.9" x 1.1" x 1.0"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand