4.2" Gem Clear Glassy Lite Blue FLUORITE Crystals on Druzy Quartz Spain for sale

  • $49.00$140.00

Tags: 4.2 gem clear glassy lite blue fluorite crystals on druzy quartz spain for sale, eb0719fbsq4, fluorite blue-green

Here is a beautiful fluorite specimen with transparent, water clear, flashy cubic crystals with no modifications, in a lovely light blue color. These are sharp, glassy crystals that sit on a druzy quartz matrix. The crystals are transparent on the faces and insides so you can easily see into and through them.

Location Jaimina Mine, Carrales, Obdulia vein, Caravia District, Caravia mining area, Asturias, Spain
Size 4.2" x 3.0" x 2.2"
Suggested Stand Medium 2.5" Peg Stand