4.3" Tan+Brown RHODOCHROSITE +Black Aegerine+White Analcime MSH Quebec for sale

  • $35.00$100.00
  • Mineral: Rhodochrosite
  • Product Code: EB0818RAMSH4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 4.3 tanbrown rhodochrosite black aegerinewhite analcime msh quebec for sale, eb0818ramsh4, rhodochrosite, aegerine, rhodonite

Here's a large, self-collected specimen of tan and brow rhodochrosite with shiny black aegerine as needle crystals, all on a matrix of albite, from Mont Saint-Hilaire in Quebec, Canada. MSH has been closed for collecting since the early 2000s.

Location Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Size 4.3" x 4.1" x 2.2"
Suggested Stand Medium 2.5" Peg Stand