5.5" WetLook Clear Gem Green FLUORITE Crystals +Galena Rogerley Mine UK for sale

  • $173.25$495.00

Tags: 5.5 wetlook clear gem green fluorite crystals galena rogerley mine uk for sale, eb1117frog6, fluorite blue-green

Here is a gorgeous, large cabinet-size specimen of blue-green fluorite from the famous Rogerley Mine in England. It features sharp, gemmy, translucent cubic fluorite crystals covering  the entire surface of the matrix. These are penetrating twin crystals, which are exceptionally shiny and lustrous, almost wet looking, and exhibit fluorescence under long-wave UV light. There are some minor galena crsytals scattered here and there. In excellent condition.

Location Rogerley Mine, Frosterly, Westgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England, UK
Size 5.5" x 3.5" x 1.8"
Suggested Stand Large 3.4" Peg Stand