2.2" Lab Grown Purple Violet Octahedral ALUM Crystal on Matrix Poland for sale

  • $60.00
  • Mineral: Alum
  • Product Code: EB0817ALUMP5
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.2 lab grown purple violet octahedral alum crystal on matrix poland for sale, eb0817alump5, alum

When grown in mineral-rich solutions under carefully controlled conditions, alum forms pristine, astounding crystals like this one, which measures 2.2" from tip-to-tip, and 1.9" on edge. The color is an intense grape purple that is vibrant and eye-catching. The crystal, which sits on a bit of whitish-gray matrix, is a near-perfect octahedron with brilliant wet-look luster and incredibly sharp edges and points.

Location Poland
Size 2.5" x 2.3" x 2.1"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand