2.6" Sparkling Clear Sharp Gemmy TARBUTTITE Crystals on Gossan Zambia for sale

  • $30.00$100.00
  • Mineral: Tarbuttite
  • Product Code: EB1017TARB4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 2.6 sparkling clear sharp gemmy tarbuttite crystals on gossan zambia for sale, eb1017tarb4, tarbuttite

The triclinic tabular tarbuttite crystals on this specimen are lustrous and transparent, with no color. They are up to 3mm in size and the sharp faces twinkle beautifully in the light. They cover several surfaces on this very nice matrix specimen.  Tarbuttite is a rare zinc phosphate mineral.

Location Broken Hill Mine, Kabwe, Kabwe Dist., Central Prov., Zambia
Size 2.6" x 2.2" x 1.8"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand