3.7" Milky Quartz Shot Through w-MagentaPink TOURMALINE Crystals Brazil for sale

  • $31.50$90.00
  • Mineral: Tourmaline
  • Product Code: EB0118TPQB4
  • Availability: In Stock

Tags: 3.7 milky quartz shot through w-magentapink tourmaline crystals brazil for sale, eb0118tpqb4, tourmaline, 10-october

This is a showy specimen of magenta pink rubellite tourmaline in milky quartz from a gem pegmatite in Aracuai, Brazil. The lush magenta pink color is a real knockout, and the setting in a high contrast white quartz makes it even more eye-catching.  The long crystals are highly lustrous. One section of the tourmaline is colored green.

Location Aracuai, Jequitinhonha valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Size 3.7" x 3.0" x 2.4"
Suggested Stand Medium 2.5" Peg Stand