5.6" Sharp Opaque GREEN EMERALD CRYSTALS to 2" in Dark Matrix Brazil for sale

  • $47.25$135.00
  • Mineral: Emerald
  • Product Code: EB0116EMERB4
  • Availability: In Stock

This is a good-sized specimen of opaque green emeralds from the world's largest known emerald deposit. There are non-terminated prismatic crystals of emerald up to 2" in length that are frozen in a black schist matrix. Though these are not gem grade crystals they still have excellent color and surface luster.

Location Carnaiba mining district, Pindobacu, Campo Formoso ultramafic complex, Bahia, Brazil
Size 5.6" x 3.7" x 1.9"
Suggested Stand Medium 2.5" Peg Stand