3.6" Metallic Blue Magenta Gold BISMUTH Sharp Hoppered Crystals England for sale

  • $31.50$90.00
  • Mineral: Bismuth
  • Product Code: EB0217BISE5
  • Availability: In Stock

The brilliant, heavily saturated blues, turquoises, silvers and magentas that color this specimen of bismuth are amazingly vibrant and eye catching. The crystal shape is equally amazing, as it looks like a square set of miniature stair steps which go down to a tiny central point, almost like a square coliseum. Because of its flashy colors and intricate details, this form of lab-grown bismuth is popular with many collectors, and this is a particularly fine example of this highly aesthetic mineral.

Location England
Size 3.6" x 2.2" x 1.6"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand