4.3" Glassy See Thru Clear BARITE Large Sharp Shiny Single Crystal Iowa for sale

  • $26.25$75.00
  • Mineral: Barite
  • Product Code: EB1014BARI4
  • Availability: In Stock

Here is a very good specimen of barite from the 2012 pocket at the Linwood Mine. The sharply-formed crystal is transparent in the middle, and translucent near the bottom. It has a bright, shiny luster and is sharply terminated. The crystal has smooth faces and planes that come together in crisp edges and points. The color is a soft shade of yellowish gray, and overall, this specimen has an appealing sculptural feel and great aesthetics.

Location Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Scott Co., Iowa, USA
Size 4.3" x 3.0" x 1.2"
Suggested Stand Medium 2.5" Peg Stand