3.4" Sparkly Twinkly Crystals of Dark Blue AZURITE w/Malachite China for sale

  • $43.75$125.00
  • Mineral: Azurite
  • Product Code: EB1115AZCH4
  • Availability: In Stock

Here is an outstanding specimen of azurite featuring several vugs that are lined with sparkling, twinkling azurite crystals that give the piece a very high visual impact.  The azurite crystals are small, but very sharp and highly lustrous, so when you move the piece in the light they put on quite a show. There is also a section of botryoidal azurite, which is very unusual (motryoidal malachite is common, so it is surprising that you don't see more of this habit).  This specimen has excellent eye-appeal, and its overall quality and aesthetics are exceptional.

Location Chengmenshan Mine, Jiujang Co., Jiujang Pref. Jiangxi, China
Size 3.4" x 2.4" x 1.6"
Suggested Stand Small 2" Peg Stand