Join Your Local Mineral Club!

Join Your Local Mineral Club!

How to Find a Local Club

Here's a quick and easy way to find out about clubs near you - just click on this link:

Go to a Meeting
Most clubs offer a monthly program, featuring a speaker, a demonstration, or a video that will be interesting, educational and informative. When you're there, introduce yourself to other people. Rock collectors are gregarious folks, and you'll probably find yourself talking to people with whom you share a common interest. Experienced members are usually more than willing to help newer members explore the many activities of the club and to make you feel comfortable.

Take Part in Club Activities
You can help put on a show, bid on specimens at a club auction, go on field trips, and more. Your club may offer special collecting trips to quarries and localities that are not open to the public, and often have trip leaders who are experienced and knowledgeable about field collecting and will help teach you how to collect.

Find a Club That Fits Your Interests
Mineral clubs are as diverse as their members, and have many different focuses. The club I belong to (the Keene, NH Mineral Club) is most interested in collecting trips. Other clubs may be interested in lapidary work, putting on a show, in-depth mineralogy, and more. If there are several clubs in your area, try them all out to see which one you like the best (or join them all!).

So, how can you resist - join a local club! It's educational, it's fun, and you'll make many new friends.